
Thursday, September 30, 2010


I think you're right about one thing- I suppose I am an elitist.  Having said that, based on my understanding of the term, I think one would have to be retarded not to be.  According to Wikipedia, elitists believe that there is a group of people who "are those whose views on a matter are to be taken the most seriously or carry the most weight", based on some particular characteristic, such as intelligence, training, etc.

Do you really believe that on all matters all people's opinions should be equal?  Do you believe that someone w/ an IQ of 160 who has 5 degrees from Ivy League schools and who started his own fortune 500 company shouldn't be listened to more carefully than Joe the Plumber?  An elitist would listen to the first guy.

Maybe feeling like this means that some other horrible label should apply to me (shoot, I guess I'm already a "elitist socialist keynesian", but I believe that certain people are intrinsically better leaders than others.  Baby is crying, more later.

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