Monday, August 30, 2010
At Work; more later
Monday, August 23, 2010
Opposite Day- Supply Side Economics
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The Ground Zero Mosque
Let me start by saying I totally understand the initial reaction that the mosque being placed there is in poor taste. The headline itself, "Ground Zero Mosque" is a funny mix of words that pulls out the xenophobia in me; I'd imagine it does the same thing to others, as well. However, although the headline is true, it's my understanding that it's not exactly accurate.
First of all, according to a member of the forums at Slickdeals (I know, not exactly like citing case law), the area in question used to be a Burlington Coat Factory. It's two blocks from "ground zero", but the site of the WTC is, apparently, huge. According to this user, a two block radius from the WTC is a few square miles in NY- which has an incredibly dense population. The proposed mosque will not be some substantial shrine to the terrorists- it will be one of a bunch of buildings, dwarfed by others up to 10 times as tall.
Further, the mosque itself sounds more like a YMCA than anything else- it apparently will have a swimming pool, a gymnasium, some shops, and other stuff. Also, to contrast with the church nearby that the government is "not rebuilding", the investors here are paying for the whole thing and aren't breaking any zoning laws. (the other church was apparently offered $60 million to rebuild and turned that offer down)
In my opinion, assuming all of this is true, the reality of the situation (nondescript building, one among many others in the area) is far different from a temple being constructed on the rubble of the WTC (the image I get when I read "Ground Zero Mosque"). With that in mind, I want to take a look at some of the other stuff being said.
First, there's the "admission" by some Muslims that this is a shrine to the terrorists. Those Muslims aren't part of the committee behind this, so their thoughts are only speculation. I don't like that the fact that someone is Muslim means that person can speak to the intent of every other Muslim out there. I'll address this more later (when I talk about the initial terrorists themselves), but I know that I don't want a lazy white male Christian speaking on behalf of all other lazy white male Christians. I don't think that a bunch of white business owners would be too happy about me admitting, on their behalf, that our country is racist and intentionally holds minorities down. The fact that my skin is the same color doesn't give me some magical ability to read their minds.
Next, I want to talk about the freedoms we enjoy as a country. I still don't know all of the amendments, but I'm pretty sure that the government isn't allowed to discriminate based on religion. That means that you can't forbid Jews from building a temple someplace where you would allow Christians (or something very close to that). Here, the problem isn't that there's going to be a place of worship in the area- the problem is that there's going to be a Muslim place of worship.
So, the question becomes- do we punish an entire group of people based solely on the acts of a few radicals who happen to practice the same religion? The answer is obvious. I know that this is a low blow, but we don't prevent Catholic churches from existing within a few blocks of schools, even though a few rogue priests were perverts. I don't see a meaningful distinction here.
As a matter of fact, this situation isn't totally unprecedented. Pearl Harbor was horrible- we had a lot of righteous angry energy, and we decided (in the name of anger and paranoia) to take it out on an entire group of people, most of whom had absolutely nothing to do with Pearl Harbor itself. That reaction is something that I, as an American who wasn't even alive at the time, am ashamed of today.
I think that, if we figure out some way to prevent the mosque from being built, we will someday realize that we maximized our losses following September 11th. In addition to the actual lives lost that day, we have already given up our time (see airport security), our common sense (again, see airport security), and a large chunk of our optimism. If those who oppose this mosque emerge victorious, we will have also given away our principles and have exposed our national hypocrisy. We will have treated a group of people worse than another, at the whim of the majority. In less than a century, we've moved from throwing people in internment camps to integrating schools, to electing a black president. I don't want to take a big step backwards.
On that note, I also want to complain briefly about the common thinking that president Obama "backpedaled" with his statements. He first said that it would be legal for the mosque to be built (or something like that). He then said that it's legal for the mosque to be built, but that he's not going to comment on whether or not it is poor taste. Those two positions are hardly contradictory. The man was a constitutional law professor- surely we can forgive him for basing his initial answer on a legal analysis of the merits of the situation, rather than how it will play among a bunch of brainwashed zombies who won't read past the headline. Saying that something is legal is far from endorsing it.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Reply to JAC's Reply Re: Reid
To accomplish this, you employ an argument that utilizes the following syllogism:
1) American citizens of Mexican (I know that you also discussed Hispanics and Latinos generally. However, I find it easier to focus on one country) heritage love their country.
2) The country of Mexican Americans’ is America.
3) The Republican Party is the party of American Nationalism.
4) American Nationalism is loyalty and devotion to America; especially : a sense of national consciousness exalting America above all other nations and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups.
5) American citizens who love America will want to join the political party that is the party of American Nationalism (You never discuss this premise. However, there is no way that your conclusion can follow from your premises without it).
Conclusion: An American citizen of Mexican heritage will want to be a Republican.
Please let me know if this incorrectly states your argument.
The above argument is not sound. Thus, it fails to establish that any American citizen of Mexican heritage will want to be a Republican. Admittedly, a Mexican American citizen may wish to join the Republican Party (Harry Reid would not dispute this). However, that citizen will not join the Republican Party because of the logic of the argument set out above. Thus, the argument above does not answer Reid’s question.
The argument falls apart at necessary premise 5 (though, 1-3 are just as shaky). Love of country is not the same as nationalism (you admit this in your reply when you point out my equivocation between patriotism and nationalism). I can love America without exalting it above all other nations (for example, I can love America but still think that Mexico is better than America). Thus, just because I love America does not mean that I will join the party of American Nationalism. We can both agree that there are many non-Republicans who love America. These citizens have not selected the party of American Nationalism (I still find it incredible that you believe that the Republicans are THE party of American Nationalism. I can understand an argument that Republicans and Tea Partiers are the most nationalistic (thought I think even this is arguable). However, your argument that Republicans are nationalistic and non-Republicans are non-nationalistic makes little sense to me).
Because premise 5 fails, your argument fails. The fact that Mexican American citizens love America does not necessarily lead to the conclusion that even one Mexican American citizen will want to join the political party that exalts America above all other nations.That conclusion might follow if the Republican Party was the party of American Nationalism and every other party hated America. In that case, Mexican American citizens might choose the Republican Party by default. However, every major party loves America. Thus, premises 1-4 lead to the conclusion that a Mexican American citizen will choose one of the major parties. Premises 1-4 do not lead to the conclusion that a Mexican American citizen will choose the Republican Party.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Requiem for Civility
Perhaps the best example of that which I think we should aspire to is the relationship between President Ronald Reagan (Conservative) and Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill (Liberal). These two men led our country, one as President, one as Speaker, from polar opposite sides of the ideological spectrum. They continually fought with ferocity for the policies they believed in, however, they (usually) avoided making it personal. The running joke was that "before 6p.m. it's all politics; after 6p.m. we're friends."
The bottom line is this: The free and open exchange of ideas is not analogous to a math problem. While there are many strongly held positions, when it comes to ideas, there usually is no absolute truth. The point is to encourage people to read, to think, and to inform themselves such that they become more engaged in what's going around them. Petty invective and personal attacks do nothing of the sort.
Reply to Dear Mr. Harry Reid
Traditionally, working class Americans opposed immigration because they feared that factory owners might elect to hire immigrants in lieu of hiring American workers. The American worker must have understood that the highest goal of the factory owner in a free market system is to maximize revenue while decreasing costs. Poor, hungry immigrants work for lower wages than well-fed American workers. Even if immigrants refuse to work for less than their American comrades, the increase in the supply of workers will likely mean that the factory owner can decrease wages (if a worker refuses to work for less than $2 per day, fire him and see if one of the 500 starving, unemployed workers will work for less than $2 per day). Thus, an increase in immigrants would help the factory owner (by decreasing costs) while hurting the American worker (by eliminating job opportunities and decreasing wages).
Consequently, American workers were traditionally against immigration. Factory owners were traditionally for immigration.
All of this is sort of irrelevant. My reason for replying to JAC’s post is to attack the reasons he gives for why the Republican Party is a better party for Hispanics and Latinos than the Democratic Party. However, I think the history discussed above is interesting because although Democrats continue to claim that they represent the interests of labor and Republicans continue to claim that they represent the interests of business, the parties appear to have exchanged their views on immigration. Now, Democrats appear to be more pro-immigration than Republicans.
I can’t explain this shift. Perhaps the Democrats wish to attract more undecided voters. Perhaps someone explained to the Democrats that outside the context of immigration reform, it sounds a little racist to say “Get those DAMN Mexicans out of my country!” I don’t care about explaining the shift. I just want to comment on JAC’s arguments:
1) hispanics/latinos/certainly mexican-americans love their country. the republican party is the party of of american nationalism and the party that believes in american exceptionalism; there are no intelligent liberals who would disagree.
Paraphrased, this argument states: “Because Hispanics and Latinos love THEIR countries, Hispanics and Latinos will want to join the political party that loves AMERICA the most.” An example will illustrate the weakness of this argument. Suppose that Roberto is a young Mexican man who really loves Mexico. He loves Mexican culture, Mexican politics, and Mexican sports. Roberto loves Mexico so much that he thinks that every other country sucks when compared to Mexico.
However, because Roberto cannot find a job in Mexico, Roberto goes to America to find work. According to the above argument, Roberto should join the Republican party when he gets to America because Republicans love America in the same way that Roberto loves Mexico.
Of course this does not follow. Unless we know more about Roberto, we cannot conclude from the fact that Roberto loves Mexico that he will want to join the American party that loves America the most. All we can be sure of is that one of three scenarios will occur:
1) Roberto will get to America and continue to think Mexico is the greatest country on earth (better even than America). In this case, he won’t care about joining the pro-American Republican Party unless it is also the most pro-Mexican party.
2) Roberto will get to America, forget his love of Mexico, but won’t gain a love of America (why should the fact that he loved Mexico guarantee that he will love America? I love filet mignon a ton. However, that does not mean that if I begin to eat only processed cheese products, I will love those products just as much as I loved filet mignon). In this case, he won’t care about joining the pro-American Republican Party unless other attributes of the Republican Party interest him.
3) Roberto will get to America, forget his love of Mexico, and fall in love with America to the same extent that he loved Mexico. In this case, he will clearly want to join the pro-American Republican Party.
Thus, JAC’s argument falls apart if either of the first two scenarios occurs. I will now address the third scenario by attacking JAC’s argument that the Republican Party is the pro-American party.
At the outset, what does it mean to say that the Republican Party is the Party of American Nationalism and the party that believes in American Exceptionalism? Does that mean, by negative implication, that Democrats are the anti-American party?
Of course, this cannot be what JAC means. I have never heard any Democratic politician state that America is lame. Maybe JAC can point me to an official publication in which the Democratic Party states anti-Americanism is central to its platform. It seems to me that just as many Democratic politicians speak about America’s greatness as their Republican counterparts.
Thus, JAC must mean that Democrats are less patriotic than Republicans. How can one quantify love of America? I know many non-Republicans who wave their American flags as proudly as their Republican brothers. I watched non-Republicans tear up with pride when America overcame its history of racial division to elect an African American president. If we cannot say that the Republican Party is the most patriotic party, how else can we say that it is the most pro-American?
What I mean to show by all of this is that even if Roberto wants to join the most pro-American party, there is no guarantee that he will join the Republican Party. Instead, he may determine that all of the parties love America and want America to be great. Thus, he will have to use other criteria to determine which party to join.
2) to steal the point from mark rubio, they (especially 1st generation) desire social/economic mobility. the american free enterprise economic/legal model provides that like no other country, something children of immigrants have impressed upon them. the republican party is the party of free enterprise and free market, verdad?
We could spend weeks arguing about whether the free market system is the best method for ensuring social and economic mobility for immigrants and their families. However, even if we assume that it is, all this argument shows is that immigrants should not join the Communist Party.
Let’s assume that in addition to the Republican and Communist parties, another party exists. I will use the Democratic Party as an example. As far as I can tell, the Democratic Party is not anti-capitalism (unless you mean that pushing any economic regulation is inherently anti-capitalism. If this is your standard, the Republican Party is anti-capitalism). The Democratic Party may view economic regulations more favorably than the Republican Party. However, both parties agree that private industry should drive our economy.
Given that neither party is vehemently opposed to the free-market system, which party should the immigrant interested in social and economic mobility choose? Should he choose the party that wants to ensure that he is paid decent wages and works in sanitary conditions? Alternatively, should he choose the party that wants to permit the immigrant’s employer to pay the immigrant as little as that employer chooses while permitting that employer to provide the immigrant with whatever working conditions that employer chooses?
Of course, the immigrant interested in social and economic mobility should choose the former party. Because the Democratic Party looks upon economic regulations more favorably than the Republican Party, perhaps the Republican Party is not the best choice for the immigrant. Nevertheless, the immigrant may find it economically advantageous to reconsider his political affiliation once he becomes an employer himself!
3) and my ire here is directed less at dirty harry as it is at the national/republican apparatus - they are socially conservative people, and the closer they are to their country of origin, the more conservative. the fact that a majority of them are not republicans is a testament to the political idiocy of the republican party, an idiocy which will not likely last past this election cycle.
Assuming that you are right about immigrants being more conservative, it is strange that Republicans have not done a better job trying to attract immigrants. If Republicans want to attract more immigrant voters, maybe Republicans should not back legislation that appears, at least when discussed on CNN, to be anti-immigrant.
Or Republicans can just get Sarah Palin to run for the White House in 2012. If she does not secure immigrant voters, I don't know what will!
Wow! This post was way too long. Feel free to attack it in bits and pieces.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Quick Reply x4
1. Yes, nuclear family is an essential part of western civilization.
2. Yes, preserve western civilization.
3. I don't know, but no reason to disagree, so yes.
Now your turn:
1. Is the hot dog an essential component of Costco's food court?
2. Was Costco's food court awesome in 1995?
3. Aren't chicken bakes, churros, and smoothies also awesome?
Maybe I messed up the point there, but you can see what I'm going for. There are studies (I'm using plural- I know for a fact that at least one exists) that show that kids raised by gay couples do at least as well as the average kid from a heterosexual mother. Obviously, there are all sorts of issues with the study (by definition, you would have two parents instead of one, the child was obviously planned for, it doesn't compare the homosexual kids to kids adopted by heterosexual families, etc.), but the fact is that homosexual couples can basically do everything that heterosexual couples can, except for have kids and not gross a certain segment of society out.
If we were in a situation where we suffered from severe underpopulation, or if we were even trending that way, I'd see the argument that we should do everything to discourage homosexuality as being stronger.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Porn > Free Speech
Some of you have heard about the new Google-Verizon deal. I must admit that I don’t really understand the deal. Advocates of net neutrality argue that the deal will harm free speech and innovation. Apparently, the deal will permit companies like Google and Verizon to grant preferential treatment to certain websites (at least on wireless networks). Thus, Google will get to decide whether that unofficial Jonas Brothers website that you want to visit just to see what the kids are into these days (and not because you think that if you really squint, the lead singer kind of looks like that stripper that was super into you in Las Vegas last year) loads as fast as other websites or loads at all. The fear is that Google, an entity that exists to maximize profits, will make this decision based on the amount of money that websites pay Google. If you want a more complete discussion of the evils of the deal check out this article:
You can insert your own example of how this deal might harm free speech and innovation. More selfish and prurient reasons motivate my apprehension. Will the deal mean that I have to wait twenty minutes for (I hope that this is not an actual website) to load because that website could not afford to pay for Google’s top speed? Will Google decide that is too offensive for anyone to view (let’s hope that it does)?
The internet has revolutionized the way that we consume pornography. There was a time when you had to make eye contact with real people before you could watch videos of two or more individuals having sex. Who can forget the embarrassment of exiting the Adults Only section of his video rental establishment at 10 AM on a Sunday morning with an armful of smut only to discover a line of families staring back with disgust? Was I the only one who got to the front of the line only to have the cashier yell across the crowded store “Billy, do we have another copy of ‘Oil Soaked Cheerleaders’ in the back”? Those were dark days, friends.
Today we can enjoy pornography in the warm safety of online anonymity. If I get the sudden urge to check out whether middle-aged Pakistani flight attendants need a spanking, the only eyes I have to look into our my own. Call me an ideologue if you must, but I don’t want to give that up. The Google and Verizon deal may provide some benefits. However, until those companies can assure us of porn neutrality, it won't be a happy ending for me.
Reply to The Warning
Monday, August 9, 2010
Respect: A Warning
What was I thinking?
These are tumultuous times. Such as they are, it was my fervent hope that we had moved beyond the petty squabbles, and that we might engage in a serious debate. However, it was no sooner than the inaugural post that we had devolved into the all-too-familiar scenario whereby motives are questioned, and sincerity is called into doubt, simply because of a different point of view.
Whether it be by insulting and demeaning those with whom one disagrees, by attacking the sincerity of those who are concerned about the size and scope of government, by mocking those who are consumers of commentary (of any stripe), or by attacking a religion that from art, to science, to education, to medicine, was in large part responsible for shaping what we now know as "Western Civilization," let this serve as a warning. It is unbecoming of a serious person, not to mention a forum that prides itself on welcoming divergent points of view, and I will have no part in it.
Just in case that isn't clear enough, let me try it one more time. If we cannot restrain ourselves from engaging in a childish display of rhetorical chess, I will gladly quit this forum. I work far too hard to justify spending the time banging my head into the wall.
Reply to the Reply
You can put together another 4 paragraph semantic argument, and talk about something being "indirect", but we both know that prop 8 was aimed right at homosexuals. The result of it passing wasn't something obscure, like a dog not being able to marry a cat- the result was that a man could no longer marry a man. The assertion that it's just a proposition aimed at (re-re)defining marriage that might indirectly impact homosexuals, if that's the assertion you're making, is a lie.
Second, I want to talk about this idea that there's a bunch of social engineering (policy) behind not letting dudes marry dudes; that the government doesn't need to incentivize marriage for gays because there won't be any kids, or that the government shouldn't incentivize it because then everyone would be gay and the human race would die out. On the surface, that seems to make sense, but I want you to tell me three things that gay people don't have access to through civil unions or something that is available to married people. I'll bet you can't do it. If there aren't any conventional social engineering carrots to be gained by allowing "marriage" to apply to the gays, then (1) that argument doesn't hold water, and (2) it starts to really like prop 8 exists solely to strip status from homosexuals.
Thirdly, let's look at the problems with society and/or marriage that don't seem big enough to fire people up. Some large percentage (again, too lazy to look this up) of marriages between men and women end up in divorce, even with young kids involved.... Men cheat on their wives all the time; the opposite is also true. Last week, 1saleaday had a gold-plated ring on sale for $3 (+5 shipping). I was only half-joking when I offered to buy them for a bunch of guys coming out for a bachelor party next weekend because it would help pick up chicks. I could go on; I just find it ridiculous that marriage has just kind of existed for the last however many years- it's been made fun of by every single sitcom ever- even your post had the classic "be careful what you wish for" sentiment, men have been beating their wives and cheating on them, women have been doing the same, there are websites devoted to matching up married men w/ married women. All of this happens and people shrug their shoulders. But if gay people want to get married, that gets everyone out to the polls- suddenly, marriage is something sacred that must be protected.
Finally, I want to talk about the assertion that it's lazy to dismiss a person's vote because he's dumb, or has different motives. My question is, simply, "why?" A frequent rallying cry on fox news is this idea that a president can retain power by establishing a welfare state. If you're harming a few and helping the masses, the theory goes, the masses will never vote against you, and the poor doctors and lawyers and small business owners simply won't be able to protect themselves. Compare that to this situation. If it's a problem that someone's going to try to retain power by pandering to the unwashed masses through handouts, is that somehow worse/different than pandering to the bigots to get something bigoted to pass? I can't see where you can draw a distinction that doesn't make the second example worse. At least, theoretically, you might be helping the poor through some form of wealth transfer.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Very interesting Madden article
A few interesting tidbits:
- Trip Hawkins (the man basically behind Madden Football) originally wanted to feature Joe Montana, but he was unavailable.
- The first Genesis version (which was a big hit) was done by a different couple developers, who decided to take the game in a different direction.
- John Madden turned down the opportunity to buy stock in EA at the price of $7.50 in 1989. The price right now is only $17, but I'm sure it has doubled and redoubled since then.
- And the most interesting tidbit- Electronic Arts actually developed the Joe Montana football title for the Genesis, that was branded Sega. I have no idea why Sega would pay them to do it- of course they neutered their own game.
Also, not sure how much longer this will last, but if you're interested in picking the game up, Amazon has a $20 credit if you preorder. Not sure how much longer you can preorder- but $20 back is pretty good.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
It's been a few days
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
The assailant responds
Let me begin (continue?) by saying that I generally try to avoid assailing anything. I have no problem with traditional values- the first post in question had more to do with brainwashing than anything else (to catch up, the post in question is here). If a person believes that students should be responsible at an early age, great. My issue was that the questionnaire went so much further than that. I doubt that a person who fell anyplace left of "far right" on the political spectrum (yes, including someone who happened to lie in the center) and answered the questionnaire honestly would be able to get a job at the school. If every single person in a position of authority is far-right, then how are students supposed to have an intelligent discussion or develop their own opinions?
More interesting, though, is the assertion that things are rarely as simple as they seem on the surface. I couldn't agree with that more. Even if none of you fools who happen to read this ever click on a damn ad, I will consider this blog a success if we can at least stimulate a deeper level of thinking and dialog.
The trouble is, I don't really know how to do that. The trouble with trying to have a discussion about politics is that it's so damn hard to know what is accurate, and what isn't. I know this has gotten cliche (shoot, even Starcraft II makes fun of it), but Fox News' level of bias is roughly equivalent to that of a beat sports writer. Excuse the contrived example, but imagine that the grim reaper showed up at your house and offered to spare your life if you could choose the story with less spin- then he handed you a printout from and a printout from (or any of Murdoch's other properties, including the WSJ). I might eventually choose the Fox article, but the fact that a person would have to actually look at the article and think about it hopefully illustrates my point.*
*In all fairness, I don't really watch any other news stations, and I only watch Fox when my father-in-law is over. It's entirely possible that I'm a hippie who is less sensitive to liberal propaganda, and they're all equally guilty of this. Actually, it's likely.
The reason for that rant wasn't to just complain about cable news, it was to illustrate how hard it can be to figure out what the truth is. With football, at least, the Raiders are 5 weeks away from watching Chris Johnson run through their improved defense for 300+ yards, and we can start to really appraise their playoff hopes. When they're mathematically eliminated in week 13, we can look back at the stuff posted on this summer and know what was totally inaccurate. On the other hand, with Obama, there never will be a stat sheet. Even if Obamacare eventually materializes and it's the key to utopia, Fox will run a story on how little progress the pharmaceutical companies have made in the past few years because their incentives have been destroyed.
Frankly, I don't know if we can have a deeper discussion, because I don't know how practical getting to that point might be. I do know what we shouldn't do: we shouldn't link articles to make our arguments for us. I think we should realize that the news stations exist not because they're doing the work of god, but for some other reason. If the person pulling the strings is motivated by profit, then there's always going to be that incentive to run stories that his audience wants to hear. Therefore, I guess that the first step in having a deeper discussion would be to unplug from the cable news. If we want to debate something, the easy way out is to click over to our propaganda machine of choice and print out an article written by someone who decided to whore out his intellect and/or reputation in his old age. I think the better debate, though, comes from taking 5 or 6 steps back and figuring out what, exactly Keynesian means or what the Laffer Curve is, rather than saying that the Laffer Curve predicts X. If we understand things on that level, we can intelligently talk about whether a tax cut for the rich might actually yield more tax revenue.
Maybe it's not practical to have that level of discussion on this blog; that doesn't mean that it wouldn't be awesome.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The Danger of Populism
Populism is not so much an ideology as it is a tactic, wherein the interests of "common people" (the populace) are contrasted with those of the supposed "elite" in the context of (1) painting a picture of society's alleged problems, and /or (2) proposing various political, social and /or economic solutions. What makes it interesting is that it is not limited strictly to the left or the right. What makes it dangerous is that it is more often than not divorced from a considered approach toward solving anything.
On the left, the recent debate over nationalized health care ("Obamacare") provides a great example. Literally for the past century, the great "progressive" dream has been to socialize medicine, thereby enacting "universal" coverage whereby every American might, in theory, have access to low/no-cost health care. And so it was, literally from the moment he took office, President Obama (along with the Democrat controlled Congress) set out to make that great promise a reality, preaching the virtues of "expanded coverage" and "lower costs." However, simple questions [such as "How do you increase coverage (40 million "uninsured") and lower costs without either (1) increasing the number of doctors or (2) rationing treatment?"] went unanswered.
On the right, the debate over "term limits" for representatives at all levels of government provides another great example. Due to the inherently conservative principle of limited government, those on the right (more often than those on the left) often find themselves exasperated at the seeming incompetence / lethargy / corruption of their representatives. This often leads to calls for term limits. A great idea in theory? Surely. "Citizen legislators," they say. "The way it should be," they proclaim. However, legitimate questions [such as "What about the invaluable experience Senator X gains from his years engaged in the legislative process?" and "What if (insert legislative body) has no problem doing the people's business in its current configuration?"] remain unanswered. See the San Diego County Board of Supervisors for an ongoing battle over term limits. See the California Legislature for an example of how term limits have failed.
The bottom line is that most issues are rarely as simple as they seem on the surface, and without a mature discussion on the merits, bad things happen. Reasonable people can - and should - disagree, but rash decisions based on anger and /or emotion are how bad policy is made.