
Monday, August 9, 2010

Respect: A Warning

On the surface, the idea of starting a blog with four people of varying perspectives sounded like an interesting idea. Four men. Four lawyers. Four friends, devoted to a respectful yet impassioned debate, chronicling the political, social, and economic issues of the day. It sounded like a good idea.

What was I thinking?

These are tumultuous times. Such as they are, it was my fervent hope that we had moved beyond the petty squabbles, and that we might engage in a serious debate. However, it was no sooner than the inaugural post that we had devolved into the all-too-familiar scenario whereby motives are questioned, and sincerity is called into doubt, simply because of a different point of view.

Whether it be by insulting and demeaning those with whom one disagrees, by attacking the sincerity of those who are concerned about the size and scope of government, by mocking those who are consumers of commentary (of any stripe), or by attacking a religion that from art, to science, to education, to medicine, was in large part responsible for shaping what we now know as "Western Civilization," let this serve as a warning. It is unbecoming of a serious person, not to mention a forum that prides itself on welcoming divergent points of view, and I will have no part in it.

Just in case that isn't clear enough, let me try it one more time. If we cannot restrain ourselves from engaging in a childish display of rhetorical chess, I will gladly quit this forum. I work far too hard to justify spending the time banging my head into the wall.

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